How you can help

Thank you for your interest to help Nawodaya Special Children’s Foundation

Our foundation operates mainly through the kind contributions from friends, family, well wishers and support from a few other organizations. It is these kind hearts that has got us to where we are, from our humble beginning in 2006, impacting many lives on the way.

In the future too we need your support, to continue our journey to brighten many lives, the lives of our children with special needs. Einstein once said that “the value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving”… show us your true worth, show them you care. The children of Navodaya await your compassion.

"Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world."

Malala Yousafzai

  • Sponsor a child
  • Any help towards meals – Breakfast and Lunch
  • Help towards the cost of providing Speech and Physical therapy
  • Help by providing hearing aid / spectacles / wheel chairs
  • Support with the monthly requirement of dry rations.
  • Support towards Teachers salary
  • Support towards the Utility bills
  • Support a child on the Transportation cost as some are unable to use public transport due to the nature of the disability.
  • Kind donation of Land/Building or support towards building a permanent residential facility- (Urgently needed)

In any other way

  1. Help raise funds
  2. Help provide School Uniforms / Shoes
  3. Help with a Day trip
  4. Help towards the Annual concert

Most importantly kindly spread the word about us to everyone you know

‘If not just simply visit us, spend some time with the Children to bring a smile to their faces’

Please make your donation to
Account No : 1580027404

The Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC
No:85, Galle Road, Dehiwela – Sri Lanka

Swift Code : CCEYLKLX

Cheques/Drafts payable to : Navodaya Special Children’s Foundation

Contact : Lakshmi Karunajeewa (Principal/Founder ) – 00 94 (0) 773619844/00 94 (0)777590186

Email :

Address : No : 51/29, St. Anthonys Road, Kadalana, Moratuwa.