Nawodaya Special Children’s Foundation
We are a Non profit social service organization established in 2006, to educate and uplift the lives of physically and mentally challenged children of those families who are less fortunate.
Registered in January 2008, as a Non Government Voluntary Social Service Organization under the Voluntary Social Services Organization Act No. 31 of 1980, as amended by Act No 8 of 1998(Registration & Supervision) of the Ministry of Social Services.
Registration No: DE/2/3/SS/108/1 (D.M.M.C)
Also registered under the National Council for persons with disability as a Volunteer Organization under section 20 of the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities act No 28 of 1996
Registration No: MSS/NSPD/R/134
The foundation admits any student of any race, creed or religion, and they are entitled to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally made available to students at the School. It does not discriminate any student on the basis of race, creed, religion in the administration of its education policies, admission policies, scholarships or other school administered programs.
The foundation provides all its services free of charge with utmost care and dedication. It enrolls children age 2 to 16years with any difficulty that interferes with satisfactory functioning and progress in regular class room or at home.
This includes but not limited to
- Attention Deficit Disorders
- Intellectual disabilities
- Developmental delays
- Physical disabilities
- Behavior disorders
- Speech & language disorders
- Autism/PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorders)
- Down
The children and the families we serve
The children we serve come mainly from those families who are less fortunate living in conditions of extreme poverty. Many do not even get their basic needs in terms of food, cloth or medicine and the free meal provided by the school is the only meal that they get most times. Some families struggle to bring their children to the school as they cannot afford the bus fare and some times due to the disability itself. Most had also tried to enroll their children to other schools that serve children with special needs, but their hopes had been shattered as they could not afford the fees charged. Integration with the society too is inadequate as the children are confined to their house before they are brought to our foundation. Parents and families struggle to give the best to their children, and single parents specially, find it difficult to attend fully and care for these kids. At Navodaya, we empathize, listen to their pain and joy, and support their efforts, treating them with respect, concern and compassion.